"Come Design With Me" was a night designed to
get past students and some members of industry
together along with ourselves and our tutors.
It was a relaxed and reflective evening in which
refreshments were provided. I found a very pertinent
point being that we all noticed the void and sense
of 'being in the real world' that recent graduates
This has proved a difficult time for many of them
and especially for those who have worked over seas
for a period, as the recession is obviously still alive and
kicking with many recent graduates becoming disillusioned.

We started the night by splitting into two
large groups that were split between present students
and graduates. One particularly interesting point
that came across was the rate of change of
their portfolios a constantly evolving and important
archive for our futures.
They outline to my group the difficulties in finding
work and at my age this does concern me. Mike
graduated last summer and he was a good example
of finding work rapidly but he soon realized that
although he had found employment at prestigous
brand "Manchester United" it was not full filling
his creative requirements having producing his own
working in the very creative environment of the
classroom. This issue was expressed by several of
the graduates and one to be mind full of.
I do believe that this evening related well to
our "Hopes and Fears" essay as it will prove to
be a good eye opening exercise for us in the
following few months. All a little daunting
but that's life.
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