Wednesday 21 October 2009

Alexandra Rodchenko (1891-1956)

I have a passion for photography. During my first year studies Paul Proctor who is head of the degree course at Stockport College photography BADVA gave a seminar to the first year degree students. He introduced me to the Russian avant garde Constructivist artist Alexandra Rodchenko. I was amazed my the images that Paul introduced me to. Here are some examples of his ability to show a different perspective. He inspired a generation, he showed an amazing new media to its full potential. The images are from a book his grandson produced.

Here are some examples of Rodchenkos photomontages.

The photomontages above were produced
for a book "About This" by Vladmir Mayakosky.
They were life long friends and used Lily Brik
often in their work she is the young lady in the
montages above.

Photomontage making a mockery of
melodramatic films. Kino-font 1922.

Portrait of Stepanova. 1924

Photomontage for the magazine"Abroad"
The situation in Europe before the second
world war kicked here and there by politicians
, with spectators applauding or whistling at
each new step.

Alexandra had an amazing ability for portraiture.
I have chosen these examples of his work.

Rodchenkos mum.

Below is a portrait of Elsa Triolet, Lilya
Briks sister and Mayakovskys lover.

Below Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Here are some examples of Rodchenkos
pictures of buildings.

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