Friday, 30 October 2009

doors pics

Our group the "Elephants" are researching
different areas of our project. I have brought
together some pictures i have taken of doors
and the various sounds they make, here are some
examples of my research.

This is a collection of doors showing
there various functions in the environment.
Some are abstract, some just functional
and some may not be obviously connected
to the door. However they are all doors
even if only in a conceptual form. Some are
unfortunately a shadow of their former selves!

Thursday, 29 October 2009

999 Design

Dave Sedgwick visited Stockport College
to give a talk to us about his career and advise
on how to present yourself, plan ahead and look
forward to a career in the creative industries.
Dave was educated at MMU studying for his degree
in D&AD, in which his successfully achieved with honours.

"Spend time on your CV now, dont wait until you graduate"

He went into detail about how he had spent much of his
time planning for placements as soon as he graduated.
He stressed that some companies will like your work some
will not, that is life. He felt that he received a very critical
opinion from Dinosaur and took this constructively, changing
his portfolio as advised.

"Get a Website and dont rest on your laurels."

Dave's perseverance paid off and he was offered his first
payed placement at Flux in Manchester and soon after
Splinter in Liverpool. Valuable experience and insight, also
making contacts which he stressed to be vital for you to
make any progress in your career.
So, plan and prepare for the future is Dave's message
to land that first job. His first job was as a junior designer
for TCW from which he was paid 13K, unfortunately
he was made redundant in Jan 2003. After working for a
period as a freelancer he was employed by race where
he won a pitch for the company for Designer Block
and 100% Design.

Dave then moved on to Suburb working with Simon Cole
they worked on projects for Bruntwood Estates, who
were the companies main client. Dave's most recent
move and present position as senior designer at 999
Design has enabled him to work with prestigious clients,
Warburton's, BBC Radio, Puma and Onitsuka Tiger are
a few examples.
As a conclusion to the visit Dave showed a few examples

" D&AD briefs are good but dont stick to them."

of projects he is working on, including some freelance
for the philharmonic orchestra. I have included some
examples of his work.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Cross Pathway Project.

"Elephants," Dan, thinking out his ideas with his image book.
Starting 26th Oct lecture B all pathways meeting for briefing on new collaboration project. A completely new approach to our work to enhance our understanding of other disciplines and
aid our ability to communicate and work in social groups.
During the lecture we were introduced to various companies and artists working within the area of collaboration where artists and designers are working together mainly via the Internet to spontaneously respond in an interactive way to solve problems and be creative.
This is obviously a new and exciting area of development within the creative industries brought about by the Internets offer of endless opportunities and limitless combinations for creatives.
For the purpose of this exercise we have been split into groups of four (cross pathway teams).

My group consists of Myself (graphic design), Donella Machin (surface design), Daniel Pike (moving image) and Jane Harrison (illustration). Our group name is "Elephants"
We watched several short films and videos to display the kind of work that is being produced by designers through collaborative communication. Some examples were Andy Martin, and a short film by Tahl Rosner called in B flat.
Our brief is: DOOR(WAY).

Having been given a door per group we have 4 weeks to
work together to produce a piece of work/display through
exploring the endless possibilities through collaboration.
Today was our first meeting and we decided that we would
discuss a few ideas that we each have to get our minds a little
clearer so we can plan ahead on how we will approach the problem.
We have settled in well as a group and realize the importance
of working together to solve the problem not allowing our egos
to get in the way. So off we

Elephants in brain storming mode.
go brainstorming the possibilities we have and encouraging
each other to come up we different ideas. We know the importance
at this stage that we do not get too focused on any particular
idea as its early days and we need to explore as much as possible.
During our meeting we decided it would be best to annotate our
study by writing and photographing our progress. Here are some
photos from todays brain storm session.

Door/way in RandD as ideas come under the spot light.
We appreciate the importance of researching our ideas so we
have agreed that the best way forward is for us to research
individually the ideas that we feel are our best before we meet
again on friday and by the end of the morning period we intend
on having come to a decision on what is the best idea to move
forward the project with.
As we have a mentor and tutor meeting in the afternoon
we are time conscious about what we can allocate to our
research and development part of the project.
We intend on being in a position to be ready to start finalizing
the research over the weekend as we will be ready to
move the project into a "live idea" mode by Monday morning.

Tutor meeting with Ian Parkin.

This was our first tutor meeting in which we could engage
with a tutor explaining our ideas and how we felt we were
developing. We showed Ian the ideas generation that we had
collaborated on and how we had progressed to deciding on
an "idea" for our project.

This example from l'Archive has a particular meaning for us.

We showed our influences and in particular
the work of the french installation artist, Christian Baltanski.
Ian reflected with us and felt that the idea we had decided on
was interesting and possible. Also he commented that we
were looking at the right kind of work that could advance our idea.
This was a positive evaluation of our progress and we felt confident
that we had chose correctly.

I like this image i found in Grafik magazine
Nov 2009. The installation is named 'IQ" relating to a
poster campaign against radioactive contamination, part
of the exhibition Tasse Oder Unter Tasse, Von Der Heydt
Museum, Wuppertal, 1994. When you look close there is a
picture of a wild life scene within the room and a door.

Friday 30th October 1st Mentor meeting.

Minutes of the meeting:

Our 1st Mentor meeting with Chris took place today in
the library at 2.30pm. We sent Janes apologies as she
is not present due to illness. Hopefully she will be back
with us on Monday.
Firstly we discussed incoming information. What each
of us had been researching, and explained the progress
we had made with our ideas generation. We are on track
with our schedule and have come to an agreement as to
which idea we are to take forward. We discussed our analysis
considering the way we had changed our direction due
to the fact that we stuck at our brain storming for the
period we allocated.
It was explained to Chris what our agenda would be for
the following week and what tasks each of us would perform.
Dan and i would be researching sound and looking at
the photography that would be included in our final piece.
Donella and Jane are to be experimenting with screen printing
and textiles.
On Tuesday we will be pursuing our idea in the foundation
area with John Patterson. In the afternoon we will have
a tutor meeting with Rick from moving image to get a
different perspective on our idea.
Chris explained to us exactly how we should present our
agenda meeting next time and there is much room for
improvement. We aim to have a much more formal and
deconstructed meeting for our next meeting on friday.

Monday Nov 2nd.

As we decided on friday we split into groups with Jane
and Donella spending time experimenting with material
and various ways of screen printing on to them. I took
pictures of each of us and here are the examples of what
we achieved.

Some experimental screen printed printed examples
and examples of experimental photography. This is all
documented in a our research file.

Tuesday Nov 3rd

The team met in the 3d department at 10.30 with John
Patterson to discuss our ideas and for his input into
the possibilities of developing our ideas. During this
discussion it became aparent that although our carousel
idea was good, time and technical issues were against us.
This was not to dissappointing as we still have plenty
to go with. We spent the morning brain storming the
ideas discussed with john and i believe that when the
room is allocated to us can be looked at we can have a
much clearer view.
We agreed to come in on our self study day to keep
pace as three of us will be in New York next week.

We have produced some photographic work that i
have included the following images of.

First stage low key/contrast photographs.

Stage 2 high contrast graytones

These images are now on A2 acetate and
ready to be screen printed.

Thursday nov 5th

Today is a self study day and we decided
to meet on campus to finalize our idea
and produce the screens from which we
will print our first group of images.
We have agreed that it would be appropriate
to use glow in the dark acrilic to create
the atmosphere that we require for our
collaboration piece. We are also working
on the various possibilities of the sound we
which to incorporate and feel that the
project is moving in the right direction.
We need to carry out various tests to
establish its effectiveness and suitability.

Some examples of image experiments.

Short Lecture: John Wood & Paul Harrison.

Ian showed a short film by the for named
performance artists to aid our creative juices.
It showed various sketches by the two men.
Board, 1993.
Moving around a white room using a piece of
white board making into various forms eg
a see-saw, door, window pane and slide
Boat, 1995.
A large side on letter D, with the artists inside
moving it until it turns to slam onto the
flat part of the letter.
Headstand, 1995.
A wardrobe cut in half with one of the artists inside
manouvered over into a headstand.
Device, 1996.
Humorous take on walking upstairs. The stairs
being on the feet.
October 97, 1997.
A bucket suspended by twisted string that when realised
lowers the bucket gradually to the ground.

An interesting and light hearted look at some
of the most normal and bizzare.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Alexandra Rodchenko (1891-1956)

I have a passion for photography. During my first year studies Paul Proctor who is head of the degree course at Stockport College photography BADVA gave a seminar to the first year degree students. He introduced me to the Russian avant garde Constructivist artist Alexandra Rodchenko. I was amazed my the images that Paul introduced me to. Here are some examples of his ability to show a different perspective. He inspired a generation, he showed an amazing new media to its full potential. The images are from a book his grandson produced.

Here are some examples of Rodchenkos photomontages.

The photomontages above were produced
for a book "About This" by Vladmir Mayakosky.
They were life long friends and used Lily Brik
often in their work she is the young lady in the
montages above.

Photomontage making a mockery of
melodramatic films. Kino-font 1922.

Portrait of Stepanova. 1924

Photomontage for the magazine"Abroad"
The situation in Europe before the second
world war kicked here and there by politicians
, with spectators applauding or whistling at
each new step.

Alexandra had an amazing ability for portraiture.
I have chosen these examples of his work.

Rodchenkos mum.

Below is a portrait of Elsa Triolet, Lilya
Briks sister and Mayakovskys lover.

Below Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Here are some examples of Rodchenkos
pictures of buildings.