I intend on producing the covers using the mono print process, silkscreen and maybe to include some illustration and photography for a real mixed media approach. I will be exploring this idea as so to appropriate the correct balance. Here are some examples of designs i find interesting and influential.
7th Annual Purim Ball, The Jewish Museum, 1963, Elaine Lustig Cohen.
This design style by Bruce Mau for zone books 1976 i find
particularly interesting and postmodern in its approach to
eclecticism although subtle. Its bold and time proof.
This is fantastic use of appropriation by Paula Scher (right).
A clever blatant copy of Herbert Matters' travel poster
from, 1934.
Strange vicissitudes, Willi Kunz, poster 1978. Again timeless,
gives swiss style feel but on closer inspection postmodern
devices are in use including the locking in of the images with
the black bars and the typographic organisation.
great research and inspiration! i stumbled onto your blog through searching about hg wells and the book cover brief. Our college has given this brief to us here in South Africa to do and im pretty excited but scared. goodluck